The first time I reviewed a legal document many years ago, I was struck by the phrase force majeure. Although I had studied French and knew the literal translation, I was curious as to why this clause would exist within a binding contract.
The term was used to describe events such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and those sorts of “natural disasters”. The wording set certain conditions by which the legal policy would be no longer binding.
It makes sense.
And it doesn’t.
To cover risks beyond the reasonable control of one party is certainly a sensible consideration.
But to think that hurricanes, earthquakes, and other such events are an “act of God” is absurd. The state of infinite oneness, unceasing love, and pure bliss can’t “cause” a calamity. There is no capricious entity haphazardly doling out disasters.
Unless we are considering the god created in the image of the ego. That god is given to sudden and unaccountable changes in behavior. That god judges certain groups of people as better or chosen. That god promises judgment and vengeance. And that god is most certainly terror inducing.
But that’s not God. That’s not limitless love and unbounded euphoria. That’s just an unfortunate belief we’ve reinforced through lifetimes of fearful habituation.
You have made many ideas that you have placed between yourself and your Creator, and these beliefs are the world as you perceive it. (T-11.VII.4)
You cannot behold the world and know God. (T-8.VI.2)
Join us in Monday’s class where we’ll explore how we’ve come to believe in a terrible dream of death in which acts of god are possible. We’ll also review the Course’s teaching on the true nature of oneness and peace. I look forward to seeing you then.